Sunday 15 November 2015

I'm alive and old bestie day ! X

Heyy peepets 

So as you know i had to go to the dentist on friday to get 2 teeth out, exept i  only had one cuz it hurt to much i thought. It wasnt actually that bad but it was the numbness that i hated. I shouldve gotten them both out at the same time ! Anyway justto tell you i am alive ! Also i went shopping today and my dad arranged for my friend, alicia to come with us. He didnt tell me until i had finished my lunch, well technically he only said ( someones coming with us but you have to guess who) so i was frazzled because uf yiu hadnt guessed already then i am nit popular at all !! Alicia used to be my old best friend at my old school ! I sorted out all my presents and i also bought myself 4 lush bath bombs. THUMBS UP FOR PRODUCTIVITY ! TOODLES X ~girlinsideablog goingoutsideablog x

Thursday 12 November 2015

my last post x

heyy peepets

so as you have read, I am going to die tomorrow. not literally but in my mind I am. ok I just realised that I haven't actually told you why my life is finished. basically I am getting 2 teeth pulled out for my braces , but the bad thing is that its Friday 13th. Me and my friend have a theory that every Friday 13th a girl and a boy in each class at are school will die, because last year a boy named h.... and someone else but I forgot who were off for a whole week so I guess we kinda just assumed they were hurt. anyway I haven't really got anything to talk about today apart from the fact I have just been bitten by my vampire hamster 5 times on the same thumb yesterday and another 5 today on my other finger... (I think hes trying to send me a telephathical message... maybe, I guess we will never know what he wanted!) ~TOODLES X ~girlinsideablog goingoutsideablog x

p.s this isn't really my last post!!

Sunday 8 November 2015

Victoria sponge and remembrance Sunday x

Heyy peepets

Today i baked a cake but i forgot to take a picture but all you needed to know was that it tasted good.. It was a mary berry recipe that i had followed. Also it was rememberance sunday today so i decided to do the 2 minutes of silence jist out of respect for any soldiers that have or are fought are country and those who sacrificed themselves so that are generation could live in a world of peace and not have to experience war. I am majorly greetful for all soldiers and everyone behind the scences of war. TOODLES X ~girlinsideablog goingoutsideablog x

Saturday 7 November 2015

Fox and phone hat... X

Heyy peepets,

So today I went to (name of city) and spent my money extremely (not) wisey. Firstly I bought a furry phone ca... Someone on the X factor is singing one direction and it is annoying me. Alot. Anyway I bought a furry fox phone case.. And maybe a teeny tiny hat for my phone that says '#selfie' on it. Now if you might be wondering where I bought these life essentials then it would be Claire's accessories that you would have to check. Not going to lie, not really sure what the hats for but oh well, it's too late now. 
TOODLES X ~girlinsideablog goingoutsideablog X

Friday 6 November 2015

Tonights Gymnastics Class

heyy my reading readers,

today I went to coach gymnastics and I because there's 5 coaches on a Friday and 6 on a Tuesday I went on beam by myself in the last group because I got board of trampoline (seriously its literally just telling the kids to do like 10 straight jumps and then like 10 tuck jumps or 10 star jumps or maybe even seat drops)! like come on ! cant I at least teach them something interesting like a flick (a flip if your not a gymnast or used to be) or a tuck back (the real name for a back somersault. it really annoys me when people say somersault though because that's not technically what they are called.). so anyway I went on beam and taught my group how to cartwheel on the high(ish) beam, and none of them trusted me so this one girl called Nancy went and when I was trying to convince them all that I would catch them and that I wont not let them hurt themselves, Nancy said to everyone, "it will be fine, you wont get hurt as long as you trust (insert my name here) because if you don't then you will be terrified and it will all go wrong." I love Nancy, she is probably one of my favourite kids and my gym (not that I have favourites or anything...) she is so supportive towards anything and anyone. I said to them "if your about to split them beam I will push you over onto the floor" and then so I asked them if they would rather get pushed out the way and saved or if they would prefere to split the beam, and that's when they all got confidence. So I know your probably not even reading this Nancy, and you probably don't even know I am talking about you if you are reading this, but you really helped today and you didn't just help the kids, but you helped me because now I am more confident supporting cartwheels without letting anyone hurt themselves or without me getting kicked in the face(and yes that has happened before...). THANKYOU NANCY!!!!

wow this has been a long blog post! and I know most of you probably wont even have kept reading till the end, but if you did then I want you to go away and just think is there anyone you want to anonymously thank ? maybe they stood up for you but your to shy to thank them or maybe the same as me and you just don't know how without sounding cheesey ! anyway thanks for reading my Z.U.P.R! (that stands for "ZEBRACORNIGLETREADERS") TOODLES X ~girlinsideablog goingoutsideablog x

Thursday 5 November 2015

calais x

heyy peoples,
so today I am going to be talking to you on behalf of my best friend. her mum and older brother are going out to Calais at the end of this month to help people in a refugee camp there. I know not all of you will be able to or even want to but if the words out there then you can spread and maybe someone else will want to help out. I think its incredibly brave what they are doing, so in respect as soon as I get paid I will be donating £5. if you do wish to donate it can be as little as £1 but it doesn't matter because when you have helped a charity, its the most rewarding feeling. all if my friends probably think I would be the last person to donate to charity because I hate sharing my food and all that but what they don't realise is that I only appreciate giving away to people who really need. I mean seriously come on does 'hook' really need one skittle, or does refugees need £5? so I will leave you with that. I am not going to force you to donate I am just going to suggest that you do. TOODLES X ~girlinsideablog goingoutsideablog x

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Late night chats x

 Heyy guys ! So as you may know its abit late tonight and by late i mean 9:49 currently. I have been watching 'zabby' videos whilst recreating my own house on the sims 4 and again multitasking whilst reading 'girlonline ontour'. Now its 9:51 just to keep you updated if your even bothered ! Today i realised something, that one of my friends i thought was a real friend really isnt at all. Because we changed classes as we moved up into year 9 and theres only 2 people i actually like in my class (not including toilet, because shes in my class too) and i kind of realised that i'm one of her puppets and i'm only there so her reputation stays strong and so shes not alone. The one thing is i cant do anything about it or i have to be alone all year. And also my bæ is leaving at the end of the year !! Sorry this blogpost has been very down but hey ho! Its life we do it its done whatever. Current time : 9:57. Well i guess thats all i have to say for now ! I will try and update you tomorrow and i am trying to get back into dailey blogging, but for now TOODLES X ~girlinsideablog goingoutsideablog x

Friday 30 October 2015


Heyy peepets ! I realised i havent posted in forever so this is just to say i'm not dead. Also its halloween tomorrow and i am dressing up as belle ! ( your never to old to dress up and being disney princesses ! ) i hope you all have a great night tomorrow whether your goingb. Trick or treating or going to a party or just staying at home ! TOODLES X ~girinsideablog goingoutsideablog x

Friday 23 October 2015

Birthday two weeks

Heyy guys so this week and last week it was my brothers birthday. One is 17 and one is 11 , but anyone who knows will know that i dont  take presents seriously... I got my older brother a ninja turtle hat because yolo right ?! Anyway i got my younger brother a minecraft hat and a card with a 2p coin stuck in side (i know, generous right ?!) and they dont deserve code names cuz they arnt worthy of any. TOODLES X ~girlinsideablog going outsideablog

My addiction ...

Heyy there peepets ! So i have recently learnt that i have an addiction. Its playing on the sims 4. Its 12:37 and i got back from work at 7:30 and i have been on it since, so yeah i need to stop !!! But i cant be the only one with an obbesion right ? Like 'hook' she has an obession with , well hook ! She is absolutely head over heels obessed with colin o'donoughue pr as i like to call him , captain of the donuts !!! anyway i am going to go back to playing on my disney princesses sims game. TOODLES X ~girlinsideablog going outsideablog 

Wednesday 21 October 2015


Heyy guys so as you know i have a friend called 'hook' and she is spamming my messages now whilst i am trying to watch youtube and eat chilli heatwave doritos! I mean like cant i do this in peace ?! Ohh and by the way 'hook' i have got some more food for tomorrow so if you stop spamming me i will share and you know i reallydont like doing that with my food ! TOODLES X ~girlinsideablog going outsideablog

Good morning ! X

Good morning lovelys!! I hope you all have a wonderful day and do the best you possibly can ! I cant wait to see my friends and i hope you all feel the same way!!! I am looking forward to ignoring all the 'popular' people today and being an idiot with my idiotic friends !! Have a lovely time at school/work,and if your ill i hope you get better very soon ! ~girlinsideablog going outside 

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Coaching Gymnasticas

hey guy, still not sure what you find satisfying about my life but you know. anyway today I had my coaching (I go on Tuesday and Friday's) and my wrist hurts soo much now!!! if any of you are thinking about becoming a gym coach seriously imagine my pain right now( I am joking by the way I believe you should follow your heart and do whatever you want no matter what! I am not joking about me coaching or my wrist pain though...)! I love gymnastics with all my heart and I wouldn't ever forget about it, even if I was being forced to! gym is my life and even though I have had a really bad session today ultimately its what  I care about the most! (that's including friends. I have decided to give them all code names for this blog : 'hook' 'Emma swan' 'toilet' 'antman' 'Gary' and 'dancer'!) I hope you have all had a good day. TOODLES X -girlinsideablog now outsideablog

Monday 19 October 2015

welcome !

hello fellow internees, and welcome to 'girl insider blog'. I intend for my blog to stay anonymous so that I can really open up to anyone who maybe going through the same thing and not care what anybody may think of it. I shall be updating this blog on a regular basis. I hope to make a lot of people smile with stories and I hope to comfort anyone who may be going to through a tough time ! if you have any problems you may always email me on my new blog email and maybe we can sort it together. I hope you may stay here and read for a little while longer as I grow to understand each and everyone of you ! make good choices ! TOODLES X