Thursday 5 November 2015

calais x

heyy peoples,
so today I am going to be talking to you on behalf of my best friend. her mum and older brother are going out to Calais at the end of this month to help people in a refugee camp there. I know not all of you will be able to or even want to but if the words out there then you can spread and maybe someone else will want to help out. I think its incredibly brave what they are doing, so in respect as soon as I get paid I will be donating £5. if you do wish to donate it can be as little as £1 but it doesn't matter because when you have helped a charity, its the most rewarding feeling. all if my friends probably think I would be the last person to donate to charity because I hate sharing my food and all that but what they don't realise is that I only appreciate giving away to people who really need. I mean seriously come on does 'hook' really need one skittle, or does refugees need £5? so I will leave you with that. I am not going to force you to donate I am just going to suggest that you do. TOODLES X ~girlinsideablog goingoutsideablog x

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