Thursday 12 November 2015

my last post x

heyy peepets

so as you have read, I am going to die tomorrow. not literally but in my mind I am. ok I just realised that I haven't actually told you why my life is finished. basically I am getting 2 teeth pulled out for my braces , but the bad thing is that its Friday 13th. Me and my friend have a theory that every Friday 13th a girl and a boy in each class at are school will die, because last year a boy named h.... and someone else but I forgot who were off for a whole week so I guess we kinda just assumed they were hurt. anyway I haven't really got anything to talk about today apart from the fact I have just been bitten by my vampire hamster 5 times on the same thumb yesterday and another 5 today on my other finger... (I think hes trying to send me a telephathical message... maybe, I guess we will never know what he wanted!) ~TOODLES X ~girlinsideablog goingoutsideablog x

p.s this isn't really my last post!!

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