Sunday 15 November 2015

I'm alive and old bestie day ! X

Heyy peepets 

So as you know i had to go to the dentist on friday to get 2 teeth out, exept i  only had one cuz it hurt to much i thought. It wasnt actually that bad but it was the numbness that i hated. I shouldve gotten them both out at the same time ! Anyway justto tell you i am alive ! Also i went shopping today and my dad arranged for my friend, alicia to come with us. He didnt tell me until i had finished my lunch, well technically he only said ( someones coming with us but you have to guess who) so i was frazzled because uf yiu hadnt guessed already then i am nit popular at all !! Alicia used to be my old best friend at my old school ! I sorted out all my presents and i also bought myself 4 lush bath bombs. THUMBS UP FOR PRODUCTIVITY ! TOODLES X ~girlinsideablog goingoutsideablog x

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