Wednesday 4 November 2015

Late night chats x

 Heyy guys ! So as you may know its abit late tonight and by late i mean 9:49 currently. I have been watching 'zabby' videos whilst recreating my own house on the sims 4 and again multitasking whilst reading 'girlonline ontour'. Now its 9:51 just to keep you updated if your even bothered ! Today i realised something, that one of my friends i thought was a real friend really isnt at all. Because we changed classes as we moved up into year 9 and theres only 2 people i actually like in my class (not including toilet, because shes in my class too) and i kind of realised that i'm one of her puppets and i'm only there so her reputation stays strong and so shes not alone. The one thing is i cant do anything about it or i have to be alone all year. And also my bæ is leaving at the end of the year !! Sorry this blogpost has been very down but hey ho! Its life we do it its done whatever. Current time : 9:57. Well i guess thats all i have to say for now ! I will try and update you tomorrow and i am trying to get back into dailey blogging, but for now TOODLES X ~girlinsideablog goingoutsideablog x

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