Tuesday 20 October 2015

Coaching Gymnasticas

hey guy, still not sure what you find satisfying about my life but you know. anyway today I had my coaching (I go on Tuesday and Friday's) and my wrist hurts soo much now!!! if any of you are thinking about becoming a gym coach seriously imagine my pain right now( I am joking by the way I believe you should follow your heart and do whatever you want no matter what! I am not joking about me coaching or my wrist pain though...)! I love gymnastics with all my heart and I wouldn't ever forget about it, even if I was being forced to! gym is my life and even though I have had a really bad session today ultimately its what  I care about the most! (that's including friends. I have decided to give them all code names for this blog : 'hook' 'Emma swan' 'toilet' 'antman' 'Gary' and 'dancer'!) I hope you have all had a good day. TOODLES X -girlinsideablog now outsideablog

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